Email enviado por Moisés Silva em 28/03/02008 para a lista asterisk-dev comentando sobre sua iniciativa de disponibilizar seu código R2 para o projeto Asterisk. Será que chegou a hora? From:
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Subject: [asterisk-dev] MFC/R2 Asterisk Channel Driver Date: 28 de março de 2008 19h23min40s GMT-03:00 To:
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Hello List,
For the past months I have been playing with MFC/R2 and now I have written a library (OpenR2) able to handle this signaling for México, adding other countries variant should be matter of just tweaking some stuff here and there. I'd like to have MFC/R2 support in Asterisk out of the box, so all users in México, Brazil and any other country where R2 is still present can have an R2 solution that just works.. I know Unicall and libmfcr2, and they work just fine. However, I started this for 3 reasons:
1. AFAIK Licensing of libmfcr2 and Unicall cannot be included in Asterisk because of GPL. I know that Steve is thinking in probably release some of its code (unicall, spandsp, libmfcr2, who knows?) under LGPL or some other license, but that's something I am not counting on.
2. Unicall abstraction is cool, but users have to install it along with spandsp, libsupertone, libmfcr2 and libunicall just to get R2 working with chan_unicall. That many layers cause users to get confused and often install incompatible versions which lead them to odd errors and frustration. Yeah, one could argue they deserve it for not installing it right, but I am not going to blame them, I think having R2 built-in into official Asterisk distribution will greatly help.
3. R2 is old but fun :-)
I'd like to hear opinions about how this should be handled to better fit into Asterisk. Try to integrate R2 signaling into chan_zap? or create a new channel driver chan_mfcr2?. I am inclined to think that having R2 into chan_zap is better, however I remember some code was already there back in Asterisk 1.2, but was dropped for some reason, anybody knows why?
Moisés Silva
-- "I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." Voltaire